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We are more than just an investment.
Together, we create more jobs in Sweden.
Sustainable. Inclusive. Equal.
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“We invest for the long-term in Swedish companies”
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“We invest for the long-term in Swedish companies”
We are more than just an investment.
Together, we create more jobs in Sweden.
Sustainable. Inclusive. Equal.
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In our informative podcast, we highlight what it takes to successfully build and invest in companies. This is done through interviews with skilled entrepreneurs and experts. With increased knowledge, we can create more companies and jobs in Sweden.
Available wherever podcasts are found!
Find us on platforms like Spotify HERE or Apple Podcasts HERE.
* Our podcasts are in Swedish.
More than just another investment company
Polynom Investment is an international investment company that invests in scale-ups in Sweden and Europe, aiming to make small savers prosperous and society better over a rolling investment horizon of 10 years, with a target return of 15% per year.
Polynom is an evergreen investment company that primarily focuses on acquiring unlisted minority stakes in exciting businesses.
We mitigate risks by investing in a wide range of companies across various industries.
Polynom Investment has established four core values to guide our future development.
Being Profitable, Long-term, Educational, and Enjoyable should characterize the experience of being a shareholder in Polynom.
Polynom’s vision is to provide our collective of investors access to opportunities they might otherwise struggle to access individually. However, Polynom represents much more than just an investment company. We also constitute a vibrant community with wonderful shareholders!
Today, we own a highly diversified portfolio consisting of 60 holdings, accounting for a substantial 97% of our assets. This portfolio encompasses companies from a wide array of sectors, including technology, finance, real estate, life sciences, med-tech, consumer goods/services, and industry. We draw inspiration from Warren Buffett and Spiltan, and aim for long-term ownership, which means we do not enter with a predetermined exit strategy. Read more about our investment policy HERE.
Polynom actively seeks investments with strong return potential relative to the associated risk.
Our aim is to build an evergreen investment company, where long-term shareholders can reap the rewards of their enduring commitment.
Polynom’s founder have a strong ambition to enhance the knowledge and engagement of our shareholders. This is achieved through educational newsletters, visits to our portfolio holdings, and shareholder meetings.
We believe it’s entirely possible to run a serious business and have a bit of fun at the same time. By building a dynamic investment company, we think we can achieve a long-lasting relationship and mutual loyalty with our shareholders.
At Polynom, we are a team of 5 full-time employees. The team forms the foundation for creating a Profitable, Long-term, Educational, and Enjoyable ownership experience. Below, you’ll find a brief introduction to the core members of the team. If you wish to get in touch with any of us, the easiest way is to send an email to delagare@polynominvest.se.
Mats Lind
Mats is the Chief Executive Officer and has been with us since September 2021. He holds an MBA in Economics from PACE University in New York, a Bachelor of Science in International Business, and a diploma in Psychology from Johnson & Wales University in Providence, Rhode Island. Mats has extensive experience in the finance industry, primarily as an institutional equity broker in New York with Morgan Stanley and Nordea, and in London with institutions such as Carnegie, SEB, and Handelsbanken.
Albin Wärnlund
Albin is an analyst with us and collaborates closely with our CEO. He excels at writing analyses and explaining complex terms to the rest of us. Albin holds two degrees from Lund University, where he completed a master’s in Accounting and Finance, as well as a bachelor’s in Business Law.
Vanessa Baeten
Vanessa is responsible for community, events, and social media. She handles nearly all communication with our shareholders, oversees all social media communication, and manages our events such as shareholder meetings, partner meetings, and of course, Polynom Day. With a background in the hotel industry, she’s accustomed to juggling multiple tasks at once. When Vanessa isn’t working, she often enjoys baking, which we see as a wonderful bonus in the office!
Kristina Jeppsson
Kristina is our office manager and is the one who keeps track of most things happening here during the day. She leads the work in developing financial plans, investigations, and control systems to monitor operations. Kristina has a background in restructuring, quality work, staffing, and personnel and payroll administration.
Mats Lind
Mats is the Chief Executive Officer and has been with us since September 2021. He holds an MBA in Economics from PACE University in New York, a Bachelor of Science in International Business, and a diploma in Psychology from Johnson & Wales University in Providence, Rhode Island. Mats has extensive experience in the finance industry, primarily as an institutional equity broker in New York with Morgan Stanley and Nordea, and in London with institutions such as Carnegie, SEB, and Handelsbanken.
Albin Wärnlund
Albin is an analyst with us and collaborates closely with our CEO. He excels at writing analyses and explaining complex terms to the rest of us. Albin holds two degrees from Lund University, where he completed a master’s in Accounting and Finance, as well as a bachelor’s in Business Law.
Vanessa Baeten
Vanessa is responsible for community, events, and social media. She handles nearly all communication with our shareholders, oversees all social media communication, and manages our events such as shareholder meetings, partner meetings, and of course, Polynom Day. With a background in the hotel industry, she’s accustomed to juggling multiple tasks at once. When Vanessa isn’t working, she often enjoys baking, which we see as a wonderful bonus in the office!
Kristina Jeppsson
Kristina is our office manager and is the one who keeps track of most things happening here during the day. She leads the work in developing financial plans, investigations, and control systems to monitor operations. Kristina has a background in restructuring, quality work, staffing, and personnel and payroll administration.
We support the Henke Superman Foundation. The idea behind the foundation is to build a fund that generates returns every year for those affected by childhood cancer in one way or another. With your help, we want to make a difference and provide that little extra. It could range from an experience to trips, perhaps an X-box or an electric guitar, a computer or a TV for the hospital room. The foundation also supports research in the field of childhood cancer. If you wish to donate, you can do so HERE.
Al information, der leveres af Polynom AB/Monylop AB, gives udelukkende til informationsformål, til offentlig distribution, og må under ingen omstændigheder bruges eller betragtes som rådgivning, opfordring eller anbefaling til at købe eller sælge aktier eller andre finansielle instrumenter. For at undgå tvivl bemærkes, at Lov (2003:862) om finansiel rådgivning til forbrugere eller anden lignende lovgivning derfor ikke finder anvendelse på information fra Polynom AB/Monylop AB. Holdninger og analyser præsenteret af Polynom AB/Monylop AB skal ikke alene udgøre grundlag for investeringsbeslutninger. Du bør søge råd fra licenserede uafhængige rådgivere og basere dine investeringsbeslutninger på egen erfaring og situation. Polynom AB/Monylop AB minder om, at handel med værdipapirer er forbundet med risici. En investering kan for eksempel både stige og falde i værdi, og det er ikke sikkert, at du får hele den investerede kapital tilbage. Historisk afkast er heller ikke nogen garanti for fremtidigt afkast. Polynom AB/Monylop AB fraskriver sig dermed ansvar for eventuelt tab eller skade af enhver art, som skyldes brugen af analyser, dokumenter og anden information, der stammer fra Polynom AB/Monylop AB.
Polynom/Monylop AB kan aldrig garantere rigtigheden af oplysningerne, og informationen kan være ufuldstændig eller forkortet. Fremadskuende analyser mv. er baseret på subjektive vurderinger om fremtiden, som altid indeholder usikkerhed og bør bruges med forsigtighed.